Předcházení vzniku odpadů - nevyhnutelný krok k udržitelnému regionu V4
Priatelia Zeme – SPZ together with partners Hnutí DUHA - Přátelé Země Česká republika and HuMusz from Hungary start project „Waste prevention - necessary step toward sustainable V4 region“, supported by International Visegrad Fund.
The project will be focused on waste prevention programs, which must be prepared at least by December 2013 in EU. The objective of the project is to develop waste prevention strategy proposals in Slovakia and Czech Republic in cooperation of the partners from these countries and with the expert help of Hungarian partner. This strategy must be prepared in every member state of EU by December 2013. Situation in Slovakia and Czech Republic is similar, so their work on the project will be in close cooperation. Hungarian partner will play an expert role in the project.
In the project NGOs are taking their role - to substitute the role of governments and prepare a wide discussion about waste prevention. Therefore in Slovakia and Czech Republic will be prepared and published waste prevention strategy proposals in cooperation with stakeholders on waste management. These proposals will be given to public authorities, and the pressure will be made to make further development of these proposals to the stage of the official waste prevention programs according to EC directive.
The Priatelia Zeme - SPZ and Hnutí Duha as the expert waste NGOs in these two countries will lead the proposals preparation process. They need to communicate their steps with Hungarian NGO – Humusz. The role of the Hungarian partner is the role of an expert. Humusz has already organized Waste prevention conference in Budapest, co-financed by IVF and so started public discussion on waste prevention. Together, these partners in this project can develop waste prevention strategy proposal suitable for their countries. Hnutí DUHA will also prepare functional example of proposal implementation - waste prevention plan for one municipality.
We will continue after the end of the project in dissemination of the waste prevention strategy proposal. The aim is that major part of this proposal will become part of the official waste prevention strategy of Slovak respectively Czech Republic. According to situation on Ministries of environment, it is not impossible - after political wash-outs of experts from the ministries, there is no expert potential on ministries for preparing such a strategy on the quality level sufficient for implementation.